This year's All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Chemistry was held April 22-25 at the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University (Dnipropetrovsk). Competitions were held in three categories - "General Chemistry" for students of chemical specialities, "Chemistry" for students of medical, biotechnological, agronomic and environmental professions and "Chemistry" for students of chemical and chemical-engineering specialities.
From "KPI" in the competition involved students John Vyzir (gr. CW-01, FTC) in the category "Chemistry" for technologists and Maxim Lapyekin (gr. BM-21, FBE) in the category "Chemistry" for biotechnology. Each of our members at the Olympics "KPI" chemistry, which took place March 11, 2014, was the winner in the segment. Team "KPI" traditionally performed strongly, showing the best overall result from all represented at the Olympics Ukrainian universities. John Vyzir took in his movies? Minatsiyi overall second place behind the winner and 1 point with the third round of the theoretical results and the first result in the pilot round. Maxim Lapyekin took in its category overall third place, with the result in the second round of the theoretical and the fourth - in the pilot. The "KPI" team for Olimpiad was trained by assistant professor of physical chemistry Nikolai Ponomarev. He represented our university in the jury of the Olympiad.
You must gratefully remember a wonderful reception that he made at home. In addition to efficient work of the organizing committee and jury members were offered an interesting leisure - city tours, the Mineralogical Museum and Ukraine Space Center, the Museum of Happiness (Art Gallery of one of the Ukrainian artist) and others.
As noted by Nikolai Ponomarev, none of the winners of the Olympiad has fully completed the experimental task tour in the "Chemistry" for technologists; standard solutions of problems of theoretical tour too could be higher. Unfortunately, the number of hours of laboratory work in general and inorganic, organic and physical chemistry each year decreases, which negatively affects the level of training assurance.
Inf. FTC
Смеречук Марія ЛА-13