Dormitory #19

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute hostel number 19 (XTF, IHF, FSP, FBT): 03056, Kyiv, Borschagivska street, 146
Tel. 204 92 65

Academic building #7

Address of building No. 7: 37-k Beresteiskyi Avenue (Old address: 37 Peremohy Ave.)
General project organization "KyivZNDIEP". Construction of the complex in 1975-1985. Building of the General Technical Faculty.

Dormitory #20

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute hostel number 20 (MMI, ZF, FSP): 03056, Kyiv, str. Borschagivska 144
Tel. 204 90 09
Block System: shower and toilet for two rooms

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