Silver at the international exhibition

FIOT first-year student Olga Borovik won silver at the INOVA 2021 International Exhibition of Inventors, which took place on October 13-16 this year in Zagreb (Croatia).

Olga presented the work "Lens with variable optical characteristics".

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Unique Hub

The Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science is developing a unique hub and robotodrome. The project will follow the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Social Media Hub as one of the best technical universities in the world.

Be Careful: Fake News!

Unfortunately, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute opponents resort to extremely unscrupulous methods, spreading frankly false, fake information. Another dirty insinuation concerns the panel on the wall of the University campus #18. Some people say it is going to be removed.

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