Fifth class of Start-up School "Sikorsky Challenge"

In April, 20, a regular class of Start-up school "Sikorsky Challenge" took place in Center of innovative entrepreneurship of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute. This occasion was arranged for the presentation of Doctrine of sustainable development of Ukraine "Ukraine 2030" that was delivered by people's deputy of Ukraine, famous politician and businessman Sergii Taruta.

New trees on Sakura Alley

Six more trees appeared on the alley of Sakura that has been recently planted Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute campus on the occasion of the Year of Japan in Ukraine.

3D-printer by school students

In April, 14 at the department of integrated technologies of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute there was a presentation of 3D printer made by school students.

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