The fourth "Drying" in the KPI

October 24, the fourth time a photo exhibition "Drying KPI " was held at the alley and the park in front of the main building NTUU”KPI”.

Visit of Republic of Lithuania delegation

October 24 NTUU "KPI" was attended by a large delegation of representatives of businesses, large enterprises, heads of industry associations and scientific researches of Republic of Lithuania.

Visit of the CRDF Global delegation

October 20, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" was visited by the delegation of the Civilian Research and Development Fund of the United States (CRDF Global).

"Sikorsky Challenge 2014", the third day

Events of the third day of the festival «Sikorsky Challenge 2014" were held at the Center for Culture and Arts  NTUU"KPI", at the exhibition hall of the Science Park "Kyiv Polytechnic",at the  hall of the Academic Council of the University and the university campus.


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