Day at the State Museum of Science

Everyone is expecting a miracle and gifts on the New Year and Christmas holidays. Pupils of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Municipal extracurricular school «Kyiv Youth Academy of Sciences» got a gift of a visit to the fascinating State Museum of Science.

KPI paves the Ukrainian way into space

Today, the State Space Agency is engaged in the Ukrainian space program, and the National Technical University “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” is engaged in the development of space technology and training engineers for the space industry on the largest scale in the country.

Officials Believe Scientific and Technical Projects of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Essential for Ukraine

On 26 January, a delegation of government officials visited Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. During the meeting, the parties discussed three main issues: improving information security training based on digitalization of educational processes; presentation and discussion of the University space program; presentation of the Information and Analytical Situation Center and its concepts.

Mykola Shehonin: architect, artist and... teacher of KPI

Last summer marked the 50th anniversary of the death of the extremely interesting architect and artist Mykola Shehonin. Nobody noticed these anniversaries. And once he was a very famous architect in Kyiv and built several landmarks for the Ukrainian capital.

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