Participation of NTUU “KPI” in events devoted to Israeli Days of Culture in Ukraine

On February 13, 2013 the exhibition of works of Israeli artists “In the footsteps of Marc Chagall” took place at the hall of National Technical Library of NTUU “KPI”. Marc Chagall was a Russian artist of Jewish origin. He is recognized as one of the most significant painters and graphic artists, printmakers, and designers of the 20th century who had managed to combine ancient traditions of Judaic culture with actually modern innovation.

NTUU “KPI” took part in events being held in the frames of Israeli Days of Culture in Ukraine.

Karvatskiy Anton Yanovich

In the 2012 the professor of the chemical, polymeric and silicate machine building department Anton Yanovich Karvatskiy became the winner of the University contest “Teacher-researcher”.

Visit of representatives of Canadian universities

On February 11, 2013 in the framework of their visit to Ukraine representatives of Canadian universities took part in the seminar "Strengthening the Ukrainian-Canadian higher education partnerships" in the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. This event was organized by the Union of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine and the Canadian Bureau for International Education. The purpose of this seminar was to promote dialogue between leaders of Ukrainian and Canadian universities. Yevhen Sulima, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, H.E. Mr. Troy Lulashnyk , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine, Vasyl Kremen, President of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Leonid Huberskiy, Head of the Union of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine, Rector of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Karen McBride, President of the Canadian Bureau for International Education, took part in the seminar. NTUU "KPI" was represented at the meeting by Deputy Vice-Rector for International Relations Yevhen Polischuk.

Prevent a fire!

More than 6000000 fires occur  in the world every year. About 60 thousand from this number  are  in Ukraine. Fires have always been one of the most severe national calamities. In the Middle Ages the major cities of Europe systematically  were devastated by fires.

Automated delivery of books in STL

In 1987, Scientific and technical library "KPI" was launched the electronic catalog. In 2012, there were added 65,522 new records for revenues of library collection of books and magazines, which the library received in previous years.

The Japanese New Year in Ukraine

The Ukrainian-Japanese center NTUU “KPI” regularly organizes events which are aimed for the acquaintance of Kiev citizens with the Japanese culture. There was a Japanese New Year holiday Motitsuki in the hall of the National-technical library NTUU “KPI” on the 3d of February 2013.

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