Ratings, places, science, knowledge ...

In October 2012 the regular rating of 400 universities in the world was published. This rating was made by the British magazine "Times Higher Education" and in which, unfortunately, Ukrainian universities are absent.

Hacksaw as an argument of designer

Famous engineers of the past combined deep fundamental training in physics, mathematics, chemistry, materials science, strength of materials, design with daily practice and a deep knowledge of production. As a result, they do not just knew and loved his "child", but also "feel" them.

Railway transport: Be careful! Formula of safety

The developed network of passenger railway transport provides convenience and comfort to people in the country. Railway transport is constantly updated, opening new routes for the needs of the population. During holidays and summer schedule is supplemented with the additional trains.

The year of Lutosławski, Tuwim and Czochralski

The Seim of Poland republic proclaimed the 2013 as the year of composer Witold Lutosławski, poet Julian Tuwim and chemist Jan Czochralski. We suggest you to find out more about those famous polish workers of culture and science.

Meeting with Prof. Tetsuya Ishikawa

On January 23, 2013 prof. Tetsuya Ishikawa (Japan), Director of “SPring-8", the accelerator complex which is a source of synchrotron radiation of the third generation with the world's highest energy of 8 GeV, visited NTUU “KPI”. He was accompanied by Mr.

Priorities of the scientific and innovational functioning of the exploratory university

From the speech of scientific work pro-rector of NTUU “KPI” M.U. Ilchenko at Academic Senate on the 14th january 2013 р.

In 2012 р. scientific and innovational activity of our university kept on developing. We have proved our reputation of the leading university of Ukraine, being on the list of world's best universities for the second year and having kept leadership in home rating of the universities.

Public order guards

Today social formation has about 500 students from the university. The completing of the social formation is at the beginning of each school year.

Mathematical training of an engineer, ways to improve it

A graduate of modern higher technical educational institution must have a high level of professional knowledge as well as knowledge and skills of science subjects cycle, and especially math. Improving the training of specialists is impossible without improving their mathematical training.

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