Since the foundation ща KPI mathematical preparation was attached special importance here. By decision of the first principle of KPI V.L.Kyrpychova for teaching this discipline were invited to Kiev the best mathematics of the time - professors V.P.Yermakov and B.Ya.Bukreyev. They were the founders of Kiev Mathematical Society, the founders of Kyiv Higher Courses for Women (1889) and their first teachers, contributed to the organization of mathematical libraries and math classrooms. V.P.Yermakov - organizer of publications (in 1884-1886 years.) "Journal elementary mathematics" - one of the best contemporary mathematical printed sources in Ukraine.
The first head of the Mathematics Department of KPI Vasily Petrovich Ermakov (1845-1922), in anticipation of the rapid development of science and technology in the late nineteenth century. introduced items such as elements of differential geometry, theory of differential equations, probability theory elements, approximate calculation etc., which are mandatory in modern mathematics courses. He introduced the first practical lessons on mathematical disciplines. Thanks to V.P.Yermakovu that late nineteenth century. explored the question of integrating linear differential equations and partial differential equations of mechanics, the theory of differential equations became one of the areas of mathematical science school KPI. These studies were continued and significantly developed his followers G.V. Pfeyfferom, M.P. Kravchuk, E.E. Viktorovskym and others. Kyiv mathematician s honor the memory of V.P.Yermakova. Last year, scientists put a monument in his honor at Baikove cemetery. Funds collected for him the mathematical community. |
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Among the students of V.P.Yermakova was his successor in the superintendence of the Department of Mathematics KPI in 1922-1930's. Boris Ya. Bukreyev (1859-1962) - the founder of the Kiev school geometry. His master's and doctoral dissertations were devoted to the analytical theory of special functions. Further research of B.Ya.Bukreyeva subject was geometry, including non-euclidean geometry. He invited the Kyiv D.O.Hrave – the founder of the first domestic large algebraic school. Together they were the founders of the Institute of Mathematics in Kiev. B.Ya.Bukreyev was one of the first members of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. A talented teacher, he always cared about the methodology of teaching and had his own unique style, the last day (and he lived 103 years) continued his teaching and research activities. One of his best works - "About trigonometry of Lobachevsky" - is dated 1957 year. B.Ya.Bukreyev trained a generation of scientists, including M.P.Kravchuk, Yu.D.Sokolov, O.S.Smohorzhevskyy, V.A.Zmorovych, N.I.Ahiyezer and others. B.Ya.Bukreyev was a true patriot Kyiv - not leaving it either during the First or Second World Wars. Regular visitor house Boris Yakovlevich were his talented pupils. In difficult times it is conducted seminars and lectures for students. He did not understate the level math requirements in the first years of Soviet power, when university students come from poorly educated workers and peasants, and assisted in their preparation, understanding the needs of the economy. Boris Yakovich got up first to rebuild his wards universities again and again revived math classrooms, created mathematical library gave them their best collection. |
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From 1930 to 1938 the mathematics department of KPI was headed by professor B.Ya.Bukreyeva, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Filippovich Kravchuk (1892-1942), whose motto was, "My love for Ukraine and the Math!" Ukrainian scientist managed to raise mathematics, including algebraic her school to world recognition. Continuing to develop ideas of D.O.Hrave school, he expanded the range of their research, adding to the algebraic theory of probability and differential equations. He was an excellent teacher. Among his students - the creator of the first domestic turbojet engine Arkhip Lulka, spacecraft designer Sergei Korolev, world famous designer Vladimir Chelomey, Space Designer and anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft missiles Leo Lyulyev. In the certificate submitted when nominating Kravchuk to the UAS in 1929, he said: "... Almost none phenomenon in the creation of mathematical science [in Ukraine] have happened without him ... The first Ukrainian school in the city and in the country, the first courses, the first Ukrainian universities (national and state) ... mathematical terminology and scientific language ... - none of this was done without active participation M.Kravchuk. " Unfortunately, scientific and educational activities of the great mathematician interrupted - in 1938 academician M.P.Kravchuk was arrested on charges of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism. The best students M.P.Kravchuka - Yu.D.Sokolov, O.S.Smohorzhevskyy, V.A.Zmorovych, R.Y.Demahovska found true heroism - in defense of M.P.Kravchuka, wrote a collective letter to the NKVD . However, teachers save them failed - in 1942 Kravchuk died in Kolyma. But he had not died. On the pages of mathematical journals are moments Kravchuk polynomials of Kravchuk . Mathematical work of M.P.Kravchuka used Dzh.Atanasov while creating the world's first electronic computer. In our university erected a monument to him, and every two years are mathematical conference behalf of the best students of physics and mathematics faculty receive a scholarship named after Kravchuk. His name and fame did not fade. |
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In 1938 the mathematics department KPI was headed by Professor Yuri Dmitrievich Sokolov (1896-1971). His doctoral thesis "general terms collision three bodies that mutually attracted by Newton's law" (1930) received international recognition. D.O.Hrave always considered his teacher and M.P.Kravchuk. Endowed with the best human qualities such as honesty and uncompromising, he signed a collective letter in support of the scientist and kept from dismissal for all students of M.P.Kravchuka. Special Yu.D.Sokolov found courage during the Second World War. While the Kiev was occupied, harboring and he rescues from death of Jews. Because it was saved from the removal of much of the property occupants of the Kiev Observatory and its unique library of old books. In 1968 Yu.D.Sokolova was awarded the medal "For Defense of Kyiv", which he presented in 1944. After the war, stay in the occupied territory was removed from his performance scientific works on celestial mechanics, which were classified "secret" and offered fluid mechanics. Here he managed to solve a number of complex problems and create their own method of approximate solution of integral and differential equations, now known as the method of functional amendments YD Sokolov. Until his last breath he did not betray his principles, in 1969 signed a collective "Letter of 139" to the leadership of the Soviet Union in order to prevent a new wave of repression. |
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One of the best students M.P.Kravchuka - Smohorzhevskyy Alexander Stepanovich (1896-1969) led the team of mathematicians in the war and postwar years until 1967 .During his chair of mathematics developed rapidly and was divided into two departments - mathematical physics and higher mathematics. He founded the first mathematical seminar in the CPI, the main theme of which was non-Euclidean geometry with an emphasis on geometric constructions. This center worked and was very popular over 20 years. Thanks to his efforts in 1950, the first time in the history of the Department of Mathematics KPI, when it was established graduate school. After the war, he became interested in geometry. He developed the theory of geometric constructions in hyperbolic space. In 50-60 years it has become a recognized head of the Kiev school geometry after BJ Bukreyeva. All life O.S.Smohorzhevskyy morally and financially supported family of M.P.Kravchuk. |
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From 1952 to 1973 the Department of Mathematics KPI headed by Zmorovych Valentin Anatolyevich (1909-1994), a renowned expert in the theory of analytic functions. An excellent teacher, he went his creative life, and that more than 50 years dedicated to the CPI, has trained a generation of engineers and scientists during the rapid development of science and technology. He founded a seminar on the theory of analytic functions was the second time in CPI. His pupils and is now working in senior positions in various industries. Among them are academicians and corresponding members of the NAS of Ukraine and the Russian Academy of Sciences. This is the pride of the scientist and educator! |
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Evgeny Viktorovskyy (1926-1956) was invited to KPI O.S.Smohorzhevskym and V.A.Zmorovychem. He became a prominent follower of the school of mathematics M.P. Kravchuk. Six of his works and PhD thesis were a breakthrough in the theory of differential equations with discontinuous operator. After defending his doctoral specialized scientific council recognized the thesis worthy of the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - time in the history CPI unique. He is founder of the theory of optimal control. This theory has gained most of our time and decides latest technological issue. It surely can be called science of the XXI century. The scientist is example of boundless love for mathematics and homeland! |
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A graduate of Tbilisi University, a renowned expert in the theory of the "new" stars Shalva G. Gordeladze (1905-1973) headed the Department of Mathematical Physics in the 1969-1973. Thanks to him, the chair came young talented teachers, expanded spectrum of research. Under the direction SH.H. Gordeladze started working scientific seminar on astrophysics, which because of the rapid development of space in those years was very popular. |
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Professors’ Leonid Omelyanovych Dunduchenko student V.A.Zmorovycha Dunduchenko (born in 1926) headed the united CPI Department of Mathematics from 1974 to 1976. He is a specialist in the theory of analytic functions and conformal mappings multilinked areas devoted considerable attention to the selection of the teaching staff. Disciple followers Kravchuk, he thought for a matter of honor to support and develop the traditions of their predecessors bright, developed Ukrainian mathematical terminology. Taking care level of secondary education, he repeatedly appealed to the Ministry of Education of Ukraine to introduce in schools the individual courses "Shevchenko studies". In 2009 L.O.Dunduchenko won first prize "KPI" together with his colleague V.V.Yasynskym textbook "Higher Mathematics" (2 volumes) for students and teachers of technical universities. |
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Since 1976 the Department of Mathematics KPI headed by prof. Theodore P. Yaremchuk (1920-2001), a pupil of O.S.Smohorzhevskoho. His credo - "create, explore, learn and teach mathematics" - Theodore P. consistently and strongly embodied in life. His pedagogical skills unmatched in our time - so says many outstanding of our contemporaries. A scientific work at the department at that time continued to develop in the best tradition of university mathematics. | ![]() |
From 1973 to the present day significant impact on the development of the School of Mathematics KPI activity is prof. Nina Opanasivna Virchenko. She was lucky to attend lectures of another B.J. Bukreyeva - so very young girl breathe the beauty and depth of mathematical science. Uncompromising and honest to displays of talent LA Dunduchenko invited her to the CPI and became her real teacher. He helped reveal her talent and instilled a love of the history of mathematics. Here she completed the doctoral thesis "New types of dual integral equations with special functions," which successfully defended in 1988. In addition to teaching and fruitful scientific work, a special place in the occupied N.O.Virchenko research and promotion of scientific heritage of Academician Kravchuk. Now she Academician of Higher School of Ukraine, organized fourteen international scientific conferences named. Acad. M.Kravchuka (1992-2012 gg.) In the walls of the CPI, a gifted teacher, scholar. | ![]() |
KPI Research on probability theory are well-deserved reputation of the international mathematical community. This trend was started in KPI V.P.Yermakovym, it successfully continued M.P.Kravchuk Academy and later - prof. Valeriy Buldyhin (1946-2012), who in 1986 was head of the department of mathematical analysis and probability theory CPI (since 1996 - Department of Mathematics №1). His research has received international recognition. For fruitful scientific and pedagogical work V.V.Buldyhin awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in 2002. He was a tireless advocate of mathematical ideas, traditions and history curator university |
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During 46 years was associated with KPI outstanding scientist-mathematician academician NAS Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. George L. Daletskyi (1926-1997). The scientist continued development of the theory of differential and integral equations, which was one of the main directions for the School of Mathematics KPI, made a significant contribution to the theory of proportion, began to develop a new line of research in the walls of the CPI - the theory of stochastic equations in infinite dimensional smooth diversity . In 1990 he became a founding faculty of Applied Mathematics KPI. In 1997, he became one of the founders of the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, created on the basis of mathematical methods of system analysis FPM KPI. "The development of science and education at the request of the time and the prospect for the future" - the main motto Yu.L.Daletskoho. |
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Igor Kovalenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, academician of NAS of Ukraine was the first dean of the FPM in the 1990-1994. (Volunteer), some time charge of department of Institute of Cybernetics. Glushkov NAS of Ukraine. His 20 books have a significant development in queuing theory, mathematical theory of reliability, probabilistic combinatorics with application to cryptography, stochastic geometry. He honored Worker of Science of Ukraine (1998), awarded the State Prize of the USSR (1979), State Prize of Ukraine (1978, 2001) and Prize named of Glushkov and V.S.Myhalevycha. |
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In 1997, the post of head of the department of numerical methods for optimization of educational scientific complex "Institute for Applied System Analysis" National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education of Ukraine to "KPI" was invited by a famous scientist in mathematics and cybernetics doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, academician of NAS of Ukraine Boris Wheat (1937-2000). At that time - the head of Ukrainian school of theory methods to solve problems of optimal control and differential games, convex analysis and optimal control. He is a follower of bright ideas and M.P.Kravchuka Ye.Ye.Viktorovskoho. His research concerning models of economic dynamics, stability theory of differential equations, numerical methods for nonsmooth optimization. BN Wheat laureate of USSR State Prize (1978), USSR State Prize (1981). As a visiting professor at many times has lectured at Harvard University (USA), Sorbonne (France), Humboldt University (Germany) and many others. | ![]() |
All these people are united by great love and devotion to mathematics KPI. And that they largely owe their honor outstanding graduates of our university!
- Пшеничний Борис Миколайович
- Коваленко Ігор Миколайович
- Далецький Юрій Львович
- Булдигін В.В.
- Вірченко Н.О.
- Яремчук Федір Петрович
- Дундученко Леонід Омелянович
- Горделадзе Шалва Георгійович
- Вікторовський Є.Є.
- Зморович В.А.
- Смогоржевський Олександр Степанович
- Соколов Юрій Дмитрович
- Кравчук М.П.
- Букреєв Б.Я.
- Єрмаков В.П.