Picture from a family album

If in the USSR determined, as today, the most popular, the most attractive and, in general, the most- most... people, during many years out of competition would be there among them, certainly, the first cosmonaut of planet Yurij Gagarin.

Cosmic Horizons of Kyiv Polytechnic science

Kyiv Polytechnic - the alma mater of outstanding designers of aviation and space technology, who changed our time, our world for the better. In particular, S.P. Korolev, I.I. Sikorski, V.M. Chelomei, L.V. Lyulev, A.M. Lulka, V.I. Kalinin and others were studied here.

China and Ukraine: the path space cooperation

From 9 to 13 December 2012 in Beijing (China) hosted the International Consultative Seminar "New sensors and measuring systems", organized by the Aerospace modern optoelectronic technology (Beijing Aerospace Times Optical-Electronic Technology Co., Ltd).

Visit of the representatives of the educational sector of Kazakhstan

On April, 3 in the course of preparation for the official visit of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serik Akhmetov to Ukraine NTUU "KPI" was visited by the Vice Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Sayat Shayahmetova and vice-rector of Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute Abzal Taltenov .

Kondratuk Vadim Anatolievich. The real KPI-shnik

Heat Power Energy Faculty of NTUU "KPI" is known in Ukraine and abroad. Here there are prepared specialists for modern branches of science. The variety of such specialists is very diverse, especially at FHPE. Experienced teachers provide high level of training.

Cooperation Agreement with the University of Ondokuz Mayis

On April, 2 NTUU "KPI" concluded the cooperation agreement with university Ondokuz Mayis (t. Samsun, Turkish Republic). On behalf of Kiev Polytechnic the agreement was signed by the vice-chancellor with international relations, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine Sergiy Sydorenko, on behalf of Ondokuz Mayis - rector professor Hussein Akan.

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