Matviichuk Anna. To treat effectively

Magical, fabulous, beautiful, fragile, friendly, always smiling and extremely talented - it's all about Anna Matviichuk, winner of the NTUU"KPI" competition in the nomination "The young teacher-researcher - 2013".

Experience of senior to youth

In youth, time flows by. It seems only recently Katya Boyarinova mastered the specialty "Management of foreign economic activity" at FMM and received a master's degree, but now already has ten years experience of scientific and pedagogical work at the Department of Management.

With Ukraine in heart

Kyiv Polytechnic is incredible youth center, which attracts talented and ambitious individuals. Years of training contribute to their maturity, professional development and implementation of the most unexpected dreams.

Famous women inventors

From ancient times, a woman was considered the guardian of the hearth, so science and other social activities have been the prerogative of men.

Visit of President of Polish Foundation "Prospects"

On February 11-13, 2014 the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" was visited by the President of the Polish educational fund "Perspective", co-founder of the Polish-Ukrainian Center at NTUU"KPI" Waldemar Sivinsky.

XVIIth Round of Integrated Monitoring of Quality Specialists Training

In November - December 2013 the seventeenth round of integrated monitoring of quality specialists’ training was conducted by the Institute of Education Quality Monitoring in NTUU "KPI". Monitoring covered more than 3 thousand fifth-year studying students, 138 majors, 114 departments of "KPI".

Environmental control in the KPI

In accordance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation of Ukraine to ensure the rational use and reproduction of natural resources, as well as compliance with the rules and regulations of environmental safety since February of this year at the National Technical Universit

Orienteering at the University

Intense in athletic achievements 2012-2013 years had the orienteering sportsmen of our university. Team of NTUU"KPI" performed well and won II place in the championship of Ukraine among universities, which took place in Kiev.

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