About Classes of Physical Education

Among students of KPI issue of extra hours on physical training that are included in the curriculum are currently debated. They argue that these four hours of training interfere with study process, and instead of them some additional classes of main subjects are advisable.

IASA Student is Number One in Informational Technologies

Demonstrating their theoretical and practice knowledge on international competitions, creative ideas and flexible thinking , KPI students are increasingly attracting international scientific community’s attention. It especially deals with informational technologies and programming.

The International Conference at the Faculty of Linguistics

On the 13-14 of March at the Faculty of Linguistics of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" was held IX International research and practice conference on "Modern Approaches and Innovations in foreign languages teaching".

Academician Boris Stogniy - Honorary Doctor of NTUU "KPI"

On February, 10 in the hall of the Academic Council "KPI" a ceremony of presenting a diploma "Honorary Doctor of NTUU “KPI ", the mantle to a scientist, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Power Engineering National Academy of Sciences Professor Bory

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