Improving the training of specialists - time requirement. From the report of the first Vice-Rector U. Yakymenko at the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI" 03.03.2014

KPI provides training, guided by the needs of the labor market, the requirements of European quality assurance system, the relevant national system of licensing and accreditation, holds a leading position among the universities according to national and international rankings. That's why he has the status of a research university is traditionally one of the best local educational and research institutions.

International activities of university: closer to European standards. From the report Vice Rector S.I.Sydorenko at Academic Council NTUU"KPI" - 10.02.2014

In the development of international activities in the reporting 2013 University laid new traditions and mechanisms to solve the problems important for the KPI, and for the whole of Ukraine. Among them are: the implementation of institutional changes on the basis of the accumulation of international experience, strengthen the international design, educational and research activities, the use of mechanisms for the development of international cooperation through joint international structures, expansion of the dual degree program, participation in regional and global programs, the international transfer of technology, and others.

Meeting with Sviatoslav Vakarchuk

March 13, the famous singer, songwriter and social activist and leader of the band "Okean Elzy" Sviatoslav Vakarchuk met with students of NTUU "KPI".

Taras Shevchenko's lives and talks ...

Given the fateful and tumultuous events in Ukraine, we see that Shevchenko, as this tragic new-found Heavenly Hundred of modern young heroes of proud and invincible country who died on Independence Square, lives among us, adds boldness and confidence in dealing with our overt and hidden enemies .

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