Ukrainian scientific citation index

Systemic introduction of citation index as a regulatory parameter of estimation efficiency of the economic research of subject activities began in Ukraine in 2009, however, the situation with access to databases of scientific citation tracking (SciVerse Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) still rem

Rating of the university departments – 2013

In order to determine the results of the main activities of the departments of the University for the second year in a row a training department of "KPI" conducted the ranking of university departments according to the methodology approved by Methodical Council of "KPI".

Presentation: "Shevchenko encyclopedia"

Shevchenkovo word and the thought that always attracts the attention of the general public, acquires a special significance during Shevchenko days that whole Ukraine celebrates. This year the Ukrainian and world community celebrates the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko.

European educational program TEMPUS at the FPE

TEMPUS is the European Union's external assistance programme whose aim is to promote the modernization of the higher education system through intensified cooperation between higher education institutions of the EU Member States and partner countries.

Scientific seminar in honor of J. Baptiste

On March 21, 1768 Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier was born - the famous mathematician and physicist , known for his work on the theory of heat distribution , as well as those who made mathematical physics series and integrals, which were later named after him.

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