Parade of Embroidery

"Looking to Europe, we found Ukraine" - this expression, we nearly winged, residents of Ukraine, can be applied in many situations. The last time the phrase come to mind during the grand event, which took place in Kiev 13th time - by grand parade in embroidery.

For environmental safety

Administration of "KPI" has approved plan-schedule of the environmental control (supervision) structural units on compliance with environmental legislation and environmental security in 2014. This document provides sufficient checks monthly university department.

Post-graduate reading dedicated to A.V. Prakhovnik's memory

On 16th and 17th of April  the second Postgraduate readings dedicated to memory of the honored worker of science and equipment of Ukraine, Doctor of Engineering, professor Artur Veniaminovich Prakhovnik were carried out in Institute of energy saving and power management .The initiators were

"A day of Japan" in KPI

May 21 a charity event "Japan Day" organized by the University in conjunction with the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine, UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Ukraine and Ukrainian-Japanese Center of NTUU "KPI" took place at NTUU "KPI".

International Scientific Conference on the basis of FL

On the 17th of April, 2014 the first International scientific-practical conference "Languages Professional Communication and: lingvocultural, cognitive-discursive, translation and methodological aspects" occurred in "KPI", organized by the department of theory and practice of translation of Frenc

The improvement with ESTIEM

On April 22-26th 2014, the regular  student's meeting organization ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engi­neering and Management), took place in the capital of Turkey, Istanbul, in which the representatives of 60 countries in Europe and Asia participated.

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