Voicheh Zvolinskii: learning polish together

Fruitful unity and partnership between NTUU “KPI” and educational institution of Republic of Poland have ancient traditions and rich history. Polish and Ukrainian students and scientists always took part in numerous common projects, exchanging programs and academic mobility etc. The last time this partner relations are changing on the basis of different educational and scientific agreements, that helps operation of Ukrainian – Polish center, which works in KPI.

The glory Shevchenko will never forget

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko, Scientific and Technical Library G. Denisenko NTUU"KPI" has prepared its own program of honoring the memory of the great Ukrainian artist, and gave an overview of the most interesting books about it.

Polytechnic received grants of the ACTIVE project

On the meeting of coordinating council of the ACTIVE project of EU, the students’ mobility program ЕRASMUS MUNDUS, which was held April 28-29th  2014 in Moldova, in the capital of Moldovan  republic, Kishinev, were selected 120 students, students of post graduate course and staff fr

Contest on energy management

All- Ukrainian contest on energy management was held in NTUU “KPI” April 14 -17, 2014 on the basis of the institute of energy saving and energy management. The representatives of 11 well -known universities of Ukraine tool place in this contest.

Conference on business management

April 24, 2014 V National Scientific Conference "Modern approaches to  business management" was held at FMM with international participation. The event was supported by the Dean of FMM, Doctor of engineering, prof.

KPI Students at Chemistry Olimpiad

This year's All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Chemistry was held April 22-25 at the Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University (Dnipropetrovsk). Competitions were held in three categories - "General Chemistry" for students of chemical specialities, "Chemistry" for students of medical, biotechnological, agronomic and environmental professions and "Chemistry" for students of chemical and chemical-engineering specialities.

Training in Kazakhstan

In April, we, the representatives of the Department of International Economics FMM Irina Denisova - student of 5th year and Catherine Red'ko - engineer had the golden opportunity to go on training to the best university in Kazakhstan - Eurasian National University. L.M.Humilova.

Watercolors of Sergiy Spitz

"A talented person is talented in everything" - these words were heard repeatedly during the opening ceremony of the exhibition of watercolors of Sergiy Spitz, which opened on May 16 at the Art Gallery named G. Synytsi Cultural Arts Center.

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