Grand Prix of Bandurist Choir KPI

20-21 September 2014, VII All-Ukrainian festival of amateur art "song patterns" was held at the Palace of Art of urban village Vorzel Kyiv region.

His main goal is to preserve and promote the further development of Ukrainian folk art.

International Conference on Automatic Control "Automation 2014"

September 23, 2014, XXI International Conference on Automatic Control "Automation 2014", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Ukrainian scientist in the field of mechanics and Technical Cybernetics, NAS of Ukraine academician Olexander Ivanovich Kukhtenko, was so

Starting with the Startup School

Today innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises is at very low level. This is especially true of small innovative business, while at the same time it plays an important role as a major environment for the Ukrainian economy in general and big business in particular.

Summer. Germany. Industrial practice.

This year a group of six students of the Joint Ukrainian-German Faculty of  Institute of Mechanical Engineering, went to a monthly internship at the University of Magdeburg Otto-von-Guericke (Germany).

"Unpopcorned" Dovzhenko

120th anniversary of Alexander Dovzhenko, which Ukraine celebrated on September 10, took place in a difficult time. The first time in the last seven decades there is a war inside the country..

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