February 2, 2015, there was regular meeting of the University’s Academic Council. It was started with congratulations of the jubilees: the director of the educational programs CIE, candidate of technical sciences, Professor B.A.Tsyganok and the head of applied physics department, doctor of technical sciences, Professor S.O.Voronov.
The first issue of the meeting’s agenda was a report of the Vice-Rector on education M.Yu.Ilchenko “Science and innovations. The development in force-major conditions”. Michael Yurievich told about the training of research and educational experts in the university, research activity of students, staffing and research budget, the main results of eight complex university programs, innovative activity and international commercial and research cooperation and NTUU “KPI” scientists achievements.
It should be noted, that in 2014 science and innovation department operated under “Development Strategy of NTUU “KPI”, the plan of its fulfillment and provided the positive results in scientific and innovative activity of the university.
The following issue of the agenda was the discussion of the results on international activity in 2014 and tasks for 2015. The report was given by the Vice –Rector on International relations S.I.Sydorenko. Sergey Ivanovich informed the audience about international contracts, the enrollment of foreign students, conditions of students’ exchanges, educational projects and grunts.
The international activity of the University in 2014 was carried out in frames of “The Development Strategy of NTUU “KPI” for 2012-2020”, the plan of its fulfillment and provided the positive results.
At the end of the meeting there were discussed the current issues and contest problems.