Technologies of the future

  In a world increasingly demand products by  biotechnology industries, received by the use of natural biological objects and processes. These products help to fight diseases, develop and improve healthcare, provide affordable, life-saving drugs.

Valuable gift from company KraftPowercon

A world leading power supply manufacturer KraftPowercon is a global company with production facilities in Sweden . This company was made a donation of the department of the technology electrochemical production ( TEHV) HTF the rectifiers Flex Kraft.

In DPM opened the exposition dedicated to the veterans of Baikonur

November 21, 2015 Department of Aviation and Cosmonautics. m.Sikorskoho State Polytechnic Museum at "KPI" opening ceremony of the stand dedicated to the veterans of Baikonur - participants launch of Sputnik and the first cosmonaut YA Gagarin combatants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Public lecture «CERN. Programs for students»

Senior lecturer of the General Physics and Solid State Physics chair of KPI, Tetiana Chyzhska delivered a public lecture on “CERN. Programs for students” in Big physics room of NTUU “KPI” on 1st of December.

The "Own heating"

Among the winners of the fourth festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2015" there is also the project of autonomous heating "Own heating" which is waited by students of KPI to be implemented.

HIV – the plague of the 20th century

Ukraine belongs the first place on rates of distribution HIV infection in Central and Eastern Europe.

HIV - is the human immunodeficiency virus. Entering in the body and multiplying in it, the virus destroys the immune system, which is responsible for fighting infections.

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