Inviting of the "KPI talents"

On 12 November 2015 occurred opening ceremony of the first part of the annual art contest "KPI talents " where 94 participants presented more than 350 works in the genre of "painting", "Graphics", "Arts and Crafts" and "Embroidery" in the exhibition hall of the building № 7.

The chairman of student council of a campus is elected

On November 19 inhabitants of hostels of NTUU "KPI" elected the new chairman of student council of campus . 4 candidates took part in race for the right to hold this position: Vladislav Lyotkin, Vitaly Lukyanchuk, Alexander Parubets, Dmitry Vasilevsky.

Forum “Successful 11th-grader”

On Saturday, November 14 in the “Nivki-hall”, that located at the Perenohy ave.,84, took place Forum “Successful 11th-grader” – a huge educational event, which came together experts in preparation for testing, representatives of the best universities and human resource managers of leading compani

For hiking is no bad weather

In campus of "KPI" live thousands of students. At leisure time they have the opportunity to participate in numerous educational and cultural and sports-research projects organized by the Social Service Administration of campus.

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