Local conference on enrollment campaign 2016

The local conference on issues of organization and realization of enrollment campaign to the higher educational establishments of all ownership and subordination forms in 2016 was hold in NTUU “KPI” in November, 19.

Ukraine Science needs to be protected by law

Nov. 10, 2015 deputies of Ukraine adopted at the first reading the 2244  law by 290 votes  "Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities". It is the first step in oder to govern the most popular problems of domestic scientific sphere.

Rector's Cup "KPI" chess

28-29 October on the basis of "KPI" occured Intercollegiate Chess Tournament "Cup of Rector" KPI ". Autumn-2015". In the framework of organized 2 tournaments:

- OPEN-tournament, which was attended by 39 players;

How to act in emergency situations

The occupation of the territory of Ukraine  is the probable escalation of the conflict in the east of the state, worsening of social and political situation, the high level of terrorist and subversive threats in  Kiev determines the necessity for training of civil protection.

Summer Holidays - 2015

This year's holiday organization of employees and their families for recreation centers engaged Department KPI future development, and improving trade union committee of the University.

Public lecture of academician Zhurovskyi (video)

On November, 12th Mykhailo Zhurovskyi, rector of NTUU “KPI”, academician of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, gave a public lecture “Foresight of economy of Ukraine in medium-term and long-term (up to 2030) time perspective” for students and lecturers of the Faculty of Management and Marketing of NTUU “KPI”.

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