In Kyiv Polytechnic Institute there is a gallery of outstanding scientists and teachers, whose life and social activity are connected with the institution, they created a KPI as a unique scientific and educational institution. Among the portraits of such famous personalities as Oskarovich Yevhen Paton, Michael Philipp Kravchuk, Arkhip Mikhailovich Lyulka, Alexander V. Winter, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, Igor Sikorsky, and the portrait of outstanding electrical academician Ivan Mironovich Chyzhenko is not lost.
March 27, 2016 veteran of NTUU ‘KPI’, outstanding scientists of Ukraine, NAS of Ukraine, Professor Ivan Mironovych Chyzhenko have turned 100 years old. His life is respect and should be an example for the youth of our country.
Future Academician (1988), winner of Lenin (1962) and the State prise (1982), Honored Worker of Science and Technology (1974), I. M. Chyzhenko born in Kyiv region (Kozin) in the family of blacksmith. Through his life he carried love for his village, wonderful natural environment, the mighty Dnieper. He knew deep roots of his family, proud of their native Ukraine. As if it was accepted, he started work early: in 15 years he became a turner at the Kiev factory "Red Engine". But the desire for learning never left him, and after workers' faculty a young worker became a student of electrical engineering faculty at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (previous name - "Kyiv Industrial Institute"). Ivan Chyzhenko graduated in 1940 with honors. After graduation he worked as an engineer in high voltage laboratory Dnieper. Train to research led John Mironovich to postgraduate study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the NTUU “ KPI”. He was invited by the Dean of the Faculty Professor A.V. Orlovsky, who noticed talented student. But he studied for only one year, because the war began.
Ivan Mironovych participated in the fighting, breaking the path of the Dnieper to the Volga, and then - from the Volga to the Elbe and Prague. He was awarded orders and medals.
After War I. Chyzhenko returned to the KPI and rose from assistant to professor, head of department, vice-rector In 1949 he defended his thesis, and 1963 - his doctoral thesis while working at the department of theoretical bases of electrical equipment,which he led from 1950 to 1989. During this time, the department became the basic electrical department of Ukraine, it was like an authoritative core of theoretical electrical engineering, one of the best in the country's educational and research centers. In 1950, the department had four teacher, in 1989 the staff numbered 48 people. As mentioned I. M. Chyzhenko "I had loved since childhood to work, taught my students to work”, so the department of theoretical bases of electrical engineering enjoys an outstanding reputation among students."
It is estimated that during working at the KPI lectures of I. Chyzhenko were attended by 20,000 students.
The eminent scientist I. Chyzhenko known not only in our country but also abroad thanks to outstanding scientific papers, numerous textbook. He created the scientific school. Only during his research supervised 50 master's and doctoral theses.
A characteristic feature of the school of I. M. Chyzhenko is an organic link theoretical research to solving important problems of the economy applied. Scientists proposed and implemented a new class of valve converters - integrated converters that are able to work with high power generating reactive power to AC power.
Stresses scientific and educational work of I. M. Chyzhenko combined with great social and organizational activities. For 10 years - from 1959 to 1969 –he was a rector of scientific work at KPI, all his abilities he directed in academic training, research development, strengthening of material base of institute.
It should be noted that Ivan Mironovych Chyzhenko was a man with a natural sense of tact and ability to communicate with people, manage a team without any pressure and very efficiently. Each word has some weight, he did not allow himself to say something extra, his word was accurate and fell into the goal.
An outstanding scholar and teacher, Ivan Mironovych Chyzhenko always created an atmosphere full of kindness and respect for people. His life inspires us to work for the benefit of noble of native Ukraine.