Japanese cosplay in exhibition hall of UJC

On the occasion of the "Year of Japan in Ukraine" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Japan, a variety of events is being held all over Ukraine. They help to get acquainted with the culture and philosophy of Land of the Rising Sun.

Olexander Bondarenko improves welding units

In micrometrical tool engineering during manufacturing of electronic components and circuits, in the production of medical instruments, and others, is widely used modern effective technology of contact microwelding, which allows to obtain reliable integral connections of miniature parts.

Commemorating Yevhen Oskarovych Paton

One of the evenings of a series of cultural and educational activities that are usually dedicated to outstanding personalities of Ukraine or Poland took place in the Scientific and Technical Library of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikors

At a meeting of the trade union committee: 23.03.2017

Regular meeting of the trade union committee of the KPI employees was held on March 23, 2017. Representatives of the university administration, deputies of the first vice-chancellor - the head of the teaching and methodical management S.P.

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