Nina Antonivna Yaremchuk is 80!

On August 28, Nina Antonivna Yaremchuk, acting as the head of the Department of Information and Measuring Technique, candidate of technical sciences, professor, honored teacher of NTUU "KPI", turned 80 years old.

Peter Vasilievich Krush turned 70 years old

On 11 July, 2017, Peter Vasilievich Krush, Honored Teacher of the NTUU "KPI", Candidate of Economical Sciences, Professor, Honored Teacher of the NTUU "KPI", celebrated his 70th birthday.

Indefatigable Buratino. І part

This year marks the 400th anniversary of the birth of Tito Livio Buratino. Historians have not yet come to an unanimous opinion on who he was - an outstanding scientist and inventor or a clever adventurer.

Exhibition of Venera Sabirova

The exhibition of works by Venera Sabirova opened in the Picture Gallery of Igor Sikorsky KPI at the end of August. It presents more than 80 paintings, among them are landscapes, still-life paintings, abstracts etc.

Cadets of ISZZI sweared a military oath (video)

On September 2, 2017, at the Znan Square, cadets of the 2nd year of the Institute of Special Communication and Information Protection of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky" swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people.

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