Choir summer tours

From July 26 to August 2, 2017 the Academic Folk Choir of Igor Sikorsky KPI visited the Baltic States. The music group led by Ruslan Bondar performed in Riga, the capital of Latvia, the ancient Latvian city of Valmiera, and also in the capital of Estonian, Tallinn.

New mural “Adolescence”

The new mural under the name “Adolescence” appeared in July on the territory of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on the wall of the building number 7. The author of the mural is the artist Marat Morik.

“Polytechnic” dances in Poland

At the end of June – early July, the People's Ensemble of Folk Dance of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute toured Poland with triumph. Dancers took part in three international festivals.

The President of the Conference of Academic institutions of the Republic of Poland, the Rector of Warsaw Polytechnic Institute Jan Schmidt was awarded with diploma and award of the Honorary Doctor of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (video)

On September, 4 in the Hall of Meetings of the Academic Council of the KPI was held a solemn ceremony of awarding the diploma “Honorary Doctor of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, a mantle and a memorial sign to the famous Polish scientist, rector of the Warsaw Polytechnic Jan Schmidt.

Renewed Fountain on Museum Square

On September 4 the solemn opening of the reconstructed and refurbished fountain took place at KPI Museum Square in front of the monument of the KPI Professor, academician Eugene Paton.

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