A Capella Choir at the Christinas Festival

On January 13 and 14, 2018, the National Academic A Capella Choir of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute took part in the IXth Christmas festival "Koliada na Maizliakh" which took place in Ivano-Frankivsk, in the Temple of Tsar Christ of the monastery of oo.

The IFF has created unique superhard materials

At the Department of High-Temperature Materials and Powder Metallurgy, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Iiyna Yuriivna Trosnikova, and Senior Researcher, Ph.D. Yevhen Vasylovych Solodkyi created new superhard ceramic materials, based on tungsten carbide, boron suboxide and molybdenum borides, for operation in extreme conditions

Science and Innovation in 2017

2017 became the year of further implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific, Scientific and Technical Activity" for science of Ukraine.

Star performances by the KPI amateur-talent groups

The amateur-talent groups of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute not only please the local viewers with their performances but also take part in competitions and festivals in Ukraine and abroad and traditionally come back with awards.

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