Young teacher-researcher Victoria Vorobyov

Time passes by fast. Realities and priorities change. For example, metallurgy of the last century was associated with heavy and dangerous men's labor. Today scientists who explore and rimprove metallurgical technologies are often fragile girls and elegant women.

FL Student won the Ukrainian language contest

Recently were announced the winners of the city stage of the XVIII Peter Jacyk International Competition on the Ukrainian Language, which annually collects the best schools and universities students, cadets of military schools for the holiday of Ukrainian literature.

Tournament in the memory of Vitaliy Molchanov

On February the 16th at the Igor Sikorsky KPI Sports Complex was held the first mini-football tournament in the memory of the many-year chairman of the University trade union committee Vitaliy Ivanovich Molchanov.

Everyone should be able to swim

Teachers of the Physical Education Department of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute make a lot of effort for the full development of students and teachers. One of the components of human physical development is the ability to swim.

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