"Down and deep the rabbit hole. Behind the scenes, the production of knowledge" - is the theme of this year's event "Day of wealth university museums," which will be held November 18, 2013 for the tenth time.
History of the National Polytechnic Institute is made by, first of all, people, outstanding personalities who diligently during decades are creating and building up the unique environment, which is proudly called KPI Planet.
Third of a century is not very significant period of time in the history of the KPI, but for a single department it can be considered as strategic one and achievements - significant.
Faculty of aviation and space systems - one of the youngest faculties of NTUU "KPI" created for the solution of needs of Ukraine as sovereign the aviation and space power country according to the decision of Council of university in May, 1993.
The Department of renewable energy is one of the youngest one in the University. It will celebrate its first anniversary. 10 years seems to be small. And I want to talk about the role of this Department in the society.
Team KPI Rugby "Polytechnic" was created in 1962 by Valentin Hannem (student of 2nd course of the faculty of automation and instrumentation), who was a talented Sprinter.
The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the FIDE: a scientific conference, celebrations events, a solemn meeting of the Academic Council were ended. The collective of the Faculty received friendly greetings, wishes and gifts.
Department of Ecological Biotechnology and Bioenergetics FBT was established in 2004 on the initiative of the Rector of "KPI" Academician M. Zgurovsky.
The Department of Physical and Chemical Bases of Technology Metals (DPCBTM) – is the youngest at Faculty of Physical Engineering (FPE) NTUU “KPI” − organized in May 1977 (order № 64-1 from 05.21.1977). The initiator of the department’s organization was once Dean of Faculty D. F. Cherneha.
Training specialists of steam-boilers and engines, railway locomotives and other thermotechnical equipments began since its formation and was carry out at the departments of Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Technology of Mechanical Department at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.