Weekdays of future specialists in the production of devices

The PBF Department of Instrumentation Design and Engineering prepares specialists at three levels of higher education in the speciality 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", educational program "Computer-integrated device production technologies".

Antonov An-2 Heads To Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

The Antonov An-2 aircraft is undoubtedly a legend of domestic aircraft.  This is the world's mass-produced single-engine biplane utilityand agricultural aircraft in the history of aviation.  It is also a light multi-purpose aircraft - one of the two that have been mass-produced for the

Basic science is the basis of technical and social progress

Following the results of 2019, the head of the Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology of Organic Compounds (OXTOR), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Andriy Arturovych Fokin has once again become the leader of our university in publishing.

A unique remote monitoring of soils is being developed at XTF

Наукова тематика, за якою Т.А.Донцова працює на кафедрі, досить різноманітна. Це, зокрема, синтез наноматеріалів на основі оксидів титану, стануму, цирконію, феруму, цинку  та їх використання у водоочищенні, сенсориці та каталізі.

Distance courses require careful and meticulous creation

Про особливості навчання в період карантину розмовляємо з Сергієм Яковлєвим, доцентом кафедри математичних методів захисту інформації ФТІ.

Freshman Gold Medal

Recently, Nazar Ponochevnyi, a first-year student of Institute of Physics and Technology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, received a gold medal at the AIGC-2019 Global Innovation Competition. The competition was held in Singapore.

Vice-rector Vadym Kondratyuk: Profit from garbage? Yes!

At the committee meeting, Vice-rector for administrative work Vadim Kondratyuk presented a separate garbage collection program at the university. The editorial department of "Kyiv Polytechnic" asked him for comments regarding to its implementation.

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