Visit of representatives of Japanese investment companies

September, 6, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was visited by the delegation of representatives of investment structures of Japan under the leadership of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to Ukraine in 2002-2005, Auditor of SDGs Co. Ltd Kishichiro Amae

Past meets the future

2018 was declared the Year of Cultural Heritage in Europe. It began under the slogan “Our heritage: where the past meets the future”. Its main goal is to attract more people to the discovering and recognition of Europe's cultural achievements.

Polytechnic fellowship – unity of generations

In May, another three-day workshop of the KPI Students' Section in Poland was organized. It was organized by its leader Janusz Fuksoyu, a graduate of the Kyiv Polytechnic in 1959, the Honorary Doctor of the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Spring school of “BEST” 2018

From May 9 till May 18, a student international educational course was conducted at our university within the framework of the International Spring Scientific and Educational School under the program of the European Council of Students “BEST” (Board of European Students of Technology).

KPI Graduates Seminar in Poland

On May 18-20, 2018 at the hotel of "Milocin" Reconstruction Complex, near the city of Tšebnica, a seminar on "Economic Cooperation of Poland with Ukraine" was organized by the KPI Graduates' Section in Poland.

Holodomor from the point of view of a famous researcher

A famous British-American researcher, writer and journalist, author of popular works on the history of the former USSR and Eastern Europe, and problems of civil society and communism, Professor of the Institute of Global Affairs of the London School of Economics (UK) Ann Applebaum met with students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on May 30.

Information day of “Horizon 2020” program

Its organizers were National Contact Points at the Igor Sikorsky KPI on the thematic areas “Information and communication technologies” and “Climate and resource efficiency, including raw materials”, National contact point of the Horizon 2020 program in the direction of “European Research Counci

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