Future power engineers compete

У КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського на базі ІЕЕ з 23 по 26 квітня за наказом МОН України пройшов ІІ етап Всеукраїнської студентської олімпіади зі спеціальності 141 та 144

Success of IFF students

Students of the Faculty of Engineering and Physics participated in the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, Cadets and Students “Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Safety System of Life”, which took place March 22-23, 2018 in the Lviv Stat

Results of border control spring 2018

From March 19 to March 31, 2018, the first border control of knowledge (attestation) was conducted at the university. The control compulsorily covered the 1-3rd year of bachelor's degree.

Olympiad in biology for pupils

This year, the Igor Sikorsky KPI hosted the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in biology for schoolchildren, whose participants competed for additional points for specific certificate of external evaluation for entering the four faculties: FBT, Faculty of Chemical Technology, FBMI and Faculty of Chemical En

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