Getting acquainted with Ukraine

During May holidays, the Center of International Education of Igor Sikorsky KPI organized a tour around Western Ukraine for foreign students and students of the preparatory department.

Spring school of “BEST” 2018

From May 9 till May 18, a student international educational course was conducted at our university within the framework of the International Spring Scientific and Educational School under the program of the European Council of Students “BEST” (Board of European Students of Technology).

International experience - to Ukrainian projects

The fifth year student of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems Nataliia Gvozdetska for her successes in studying, research and public life was awarded a scholarship of the President of Ukraine this year.

Scientific Works Competition on FBMI

This year, for the first time in Ukraine, The all-Ukrainian Scientific Works Competition for the students of "Biomedical engineering" specialty was held in Kyiv Polytechnic this year for the first time.

Collegiate Electrochemical Technologies Contest

For the second time, the Department of Chemistry, Technology of Electrochemical Production of the Chemical Technology Istitute of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute conducted (from April 17 to April 19) the All-Ukrainian Collegiate Contest "Electrochemical Technologies of Inorganic and Orga

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