Monitoring of transportation: innovative solutions

For doing the international project "UKRAINE" on the 12 of June in the framework of the European Union "Horizon 2020" European monitoring company "OVINTO" under the auspices of the European Agency for global navigation satellite systems (EGNSS Agency) held a "KPI" seminar "Innovative solutions co

To the World Intellectual Property Day 2015

April 24, 2015 at our university hosted a seminar dedicated to World Intellectual Property Day. His department had initiated construction of machine tools and machines MMI (the head of prof.

Seminar Council of Young Scientists

February 26 Council of Young Scientists "KPI" held another thematic seminar on "Initiative study in" KPI "and promising areas as a way of organizing collective and interdisciplinary work."

The seminar was attended by teachers, graduate students and university students.

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