The characteristics of radar stations will be improved

With the help of modern radar stations, images of the earth's surface are obtained, which are used for weather forecasting, research of natural resources, geological exploration, monitoring of catastrophes, ecological pollution, etc.

Weekdays of future specialists in the production of devices

The PBF Department of Instrumentation Design and Engineering prepares specialists at three levels of higher education in the speciality 151 "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", educational program "Computer-integrated device production technologies".

The planning of underground infrastructure of big cities

Project “Toolkit for planning underground infrastructure of large cities to ensure the minimization of environmental and man-made risks of urban space based on a systematic methodology”, scientific overseer - Corresponding member of NASU, Deputy Director for Research of IASA N.D. Pankratova.

The cavitation and magnetic modifier of liquid environments

One of the projects which was represented in the final of startup competition on the VIII Festival of innovational projects «Sikorsky Challenge 2019» was cavitation and magnetic modifier of liquid environments. The work of this device is based on the process of hydrodynamic cavitation.

For the preservation of the environment and health

axym Fesenko, the associate professor of the department of foundry production of ferrous and nonferrous metals, dedicated his eco-methods to the processing of polystyrene for the production of adhesives and binder materials. His project is the finalist of the Sikorsky Challenge Innovative Projects Contest.

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