Innovative developments for the manufacture of medical products

The project of scientists of Department of Laser Systems and Physical Technologies (LTFT), of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (MMI) for the manufacture of medical products made by a 3D printer became the finalist of the Sikorsky Challenge startup competition

Mechatronic hydroplant

Alternative technologies and devices, which use renewable energy and energy saving technology, are being developed due to threat of global energy and ecological crisis in the innovative countries.

Innovative master program of engineering design

The Law of Ukraine №1556-VII “On Higher Education”, approved in 2014, broadened academic liberties of the higher educational establishments in terms of defining the contents and forms of training of the students.

Universal cables of domestic production are designed

Among the works that won National award of Ukraine in science and technology of 2018 collaborative design of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, NTU “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, PRAT “Zavod Pivdenkabel”

Prize from the President of Ukraine for IPT scientists

Young scientists, Candidates of Science, associate professors Dmytro Progonov, Sergiy Yakovlyev, Oleksiy Baranovskyi received a Prize from the President of Ukraine in 2018 for the work «Models and methods of cyber security of restricted information in ICT systems»

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