Information systems for Ohmatdyt

Recently was received a letter which addressed to rector of  KPI M. Zgurovsky from the National Children's Specialized Hospital "OHMATDET" Ministry of Health of Ukraine, where doctors praised the work on improving the technical, information and software made for them by experts KPI .

From scientific idea to copyright

Modern science makes good use of pseudorandom number generator in various applications from Monte Carlo and Simulation modeling to cryptography. Essentially pseudorandom number generator drawing computers using recursive algorithms.

KPI developments on Chernobyl

More than a quarter of a century ago there was a man-made catastrophe at Chernobyl. And the problems associated with the liquidation of consequences of the accident are still relevant today. Their solution is impossible without fundamental research.

Scientific achievements of the Department of Instrument Design

Annually in April since 2000 in Slavske is held international Scientific Conference "Instrumentation engineering" established by the Department of Instrument Design of NTUU "KPI" under the guidance of the Dean of the Department of Instrument Design, renowned scientist in the field of instrume

The alternative heating of "Elektropik"

Electric heat-retaining system “Elektropik”, which provides transition to an alternative type of heating, was put into operation at school No. 12 of Lutsk at the beginning of October.

For early diagnosis [of cancer]

The main problem in the field of health care is timely diagnosis of the patient. Identify the disease at an early stage is necessary before it is possible to prevent its development and to bring man back to a healthy state.

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