Clear liquids quickly and effectively

Every time preparing materials for certain research and development performed in the CPI, to be amazed by the variety of directions and themes. That people know about cavitator? A small group of experts, and possibly motorists.

KPI Development at the prestigious exhibition

At the annual international exhibition "UN Technology Fair 2015", organized by the United Nations, held 23-24 April 2015 at the support of UN peacekeeping missions in Spain, was first presented innovative products scholars "KPI".

A new combustion technology presented in Poland

At the beginning of March with the assistance of the Ukrainian-Polish center NTUU "KPI" the delegation of Ukrainian experts in the engineering, headed by Professor of the Department of heat power equipment of thermal and nuclear power stations, heat power engineering faculty Michael Abdulla, visi

Portable installation "Owl" purifies water

Among the winners of the festival "Sikorsky Challenge 2014", which took place in NTUU "KPI" and gathered the best innovative projects of national scientists, there is the development of the researcher Laboratory of Environmental Technology FCT T.Yu.Nizhnik.

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