Autumn vernissage in the KPI

The grand opening of the first part of the annual art contest "Talents of KPI" was held on November 7, 2013 in exhibition hall of the building 7 of the National Technical University of Ukraine.

Canvases filled with love to life

With the beginning of a new academic year in Kiev polytechnic began a new exhibition season in the Art Gallery of Centre of Culture and Arts of NTUU “KPI”. Thus the first personal exhibition of Tamilla Grinuk pictures was opened on 25, September.

Babi Yar remembers ...

Ancient Kyiv has lots of spectacular things to impress its guests with. Among them are numerous ravines and cliffs on the right bank of the Dnieper. There are many ravines: Protasiv and Rep’yakhiv, Voznesensky and Kmytiv, Khreschchatyi and Kuchma, Mokriy and Kozhem'yatskyy ...

Танцювальний конкурс з хіп-хопу

May 25 on the bases of Centre of Students` Consolidation the dance competition devoted to hip-hop “Hype Dance Battle” was held for the first time in NTUU “KPI”. In this competition the students of “KPI” and other participants from different parts of Ukraine took part.

The beauty of native land on the canvas of Vasylya Klymyka

The exhibition of paintings was opened by a Society of artist of Ukraine, Society of architecs of Ukraine of honored artist of Ukraine and honourable citizen of Vyschgorod Vasyliy Volodimorovich Klymyka in the Art Gallery NTU “KPI” on 14th May 2013.

Voice of victory. Yurii Borysovych Levitan

Many people believe that the personal enemy of Adolf Hitler was a legendary submariner, the Hero of the Soviet Union Oleksandr Ivanovych Marynesko (1913-1963), which is sent to the bottom of the Baltic Sea the ship called "Wilhelm Hustlov" with five thousand people on the board.

Picture from a family album

If in the USSR determined, as today, the most popular, the most attractive and, in general, the most- most... people, during many years out of competition would be there among them, certainly, the first cosmonaut of planet Yurij Gagarin.

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