Going forward with confidence

Bohdan Kaidyk, the 5th-year student of TEF, was born in town Kolkakh on Styr river, Volyn region. His education has started in the class with specialization in physics and mathematics of local school.

Student youth - for a healthy lifestyle

The annual social-sports holiday "Healthy relay" was held on May 24, 2017, on Politekhnicheskaya St. and Polyana Square. It was organized by administration of the campus of KPI with the support of the primary labor union organization of students and student social service of the University.

FBT Student is a Ukrainian Presidential scholarship holder

The sixth-year student of the Department of Industrial Biotechnology at the Biotechnology and Bioengineering Faculty, Marina Molochko, became the scholarship holder of the President of Ukraine for his dedication to teaching and active scientific and public activities.

At the All-Ukrainian Contest in Mathematics 2017

The final round of the All-Ukrainian Contest in Mathematics among the students of technical universities was held on May 16-19th at the Sumy State University (Sum SU), which is already for the fourth time hosts the contest.

Focus of attention - nature and architecture

Modern digital gadgets and new models of phototechnique allow even inexperienced users to make high-quality photos. The more valuable is the ability to extract a shot from the everything seen and fix it in such a way that viewers would say "wow" and react with "like" in Instagram.

Excursion trip to the cities of Ukraine

On May 9-14, foreign students of UT-1 and UT-2 groups together with teachers of the preparatory department at the International Education Center of NAU, Y.M.Halka, Y.V.Suddia and IEC of the National Aviation University I.V.Korablova made the excursion trips to Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khotyn, Ivano-F

Scholarships from Huawei Company

On the 20th of April, 2017, at the International Education Centre, the best students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute were awarded the scholarships from Huawei, one of China's largest telecommunication companies.

“Atlantis” explores the underwater world

Have you ever dreamed of having fun weekends or holidays? Of gaining strength and energy before the session? But still, you sat at home playing tanks or Dota? This situation looks similar for you but for us - NOT!

Viktor Ivakhnenko - three-time European champion among students!

Fourth-year student of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering Viktor Ivakhnenko again won the championship of Europe among students in the weight category up to 70 kg at the European Championship in kettlebell sport that was held in Pécs (Hungary), from April 28 to May 1.

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