A contest for the best academic group came to an end. This year there were a lot of participants, and strict judges fairly chose the winners.

The groups of freshman and third year (groups PH-P61, PI-51O, PO-42) of Instrumentation Engineering Faculty are the best in the technical areas. The best among the groups of the fourth year is ZV-32 group of the Welding Faculty. The students of the humanitarian areas also did not lag behind: among the winners there were the Publishing and Printing Institute (group MV-61), the Faculty of Linguistics (group LN-51), the Department of Management and Marketing (group US-41).

To determine the winners, students were assessed on five criteria. The first and most important is the success of the studying. The average score of students for the last academic semester was taken into account. Participation in research work and success in obtaining a profession also played a significant role. Successes in public work, amateur performances, physical education and sports were also considered.

The contest was held in two stages. The first was the faculty (institute) stage: the administration, the student council and the trade union bureau of the faculty (institute) collected and processed data about their groups. After determining the final ratings of the group, the best of them went to the second stage - the university stage. For the final determination of the winners, the university administration created a commission to summarize the results of the contest. The working group got acquainted with the information presented from the faculties and compiled the rating of the academic groups. The results of the competition were officially announced by the order at the university.

Such an examination is conducted at our university every year, it increases the students' motivation for learning, attracts them to scientific work and activates their creative abilities..

The best groups of the university are awarded with diplomas. The curators of the best groups were alsto noted, they were thanked for the high level of teaching and educational work. Awarding ceremony took place on December 5 at a meeting of the Board of the Department of Educational Work.

By Teaching and Educational Department