To revive the traditions

Specialty in which qualify the HTF second year student Svitlana Androshchuk is absolutely “female”- “Chemical technology of food supplements and cosmetics”. And the girl’s passion is also surprisingly, “feminine” - embroidery.

Studying and being inspired

The freshman of the engineering and chemical faculty Katerina Bondarenko became the winner of the KPI talent competition in the Painting nomination. Her landscapes, presented at the exhibition, attracted attention to some sort of mystery and hidden content as an unfinished sentence.

Drawings of Alexander Belukha

The third year student of FAKS Alexander Belukha is the extraordinary person who is endowed with creative abilities. He’s been keen on drawing since childhood, but  he "didn’t attend any schools of art" (according to his own words).

They are proud of IEE

It's nice when your department (institute) is called among the best in the university. There are many criteria for comparison. In particular, the successful performances of pupils in competitions and interesting professional publications, presence of registered scholars and others.

Polyglot of FL - Rector scholar

For excellent learning, scientific research inventive and active citizenship best students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute this semester  received a nominal stipend. Among them - the mayor of group LA-31 in the Faculty of Linguistics Anna Hresova.

Paper workpiece by Julia Mamchich

Art contest "Talents of KPI" attracts visitors with original works performed in different techniques and genres. For example, you can not indifferently pass by the bright compositions, made in the technique "quilling".

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