Investigations of Mariana Verezhak

Research work of students of the Department of Metal Physics IFB Mariana Verezhak on "New approaches to the crystallographic characteristics of aperiodic structures based on scattering of synchrotron and neutron radiation" received the award for the NAS of Ukraine university students as the b

Contract with SSPC "Cartography"

On the 2nd of April the meeting of the principal of "KPI", supervisor of WDC Ukraine and academician of NAS of Ukraine Mikhailo Zgurovsky with the delegation of the State Scientific and Production Company (SSPC) "Cartography", headed by the director of the institution and the Doctor of geographic

Ukrainian scientific citation index

Systemic introduction of citation index as a regulatory parameter of estimation efficiency of the economic research of subject activities began in Ukraine in 2009, however, the situation with access to databases of scientific citation tracking (SciVerse Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) still rem

A large support for young scientists

World experience shows that about 70% of the most cited publications are written by scientists under 45 years. These publications relate primarily new areas of science and engineering research activity of which is a natural.

The Science is Created by the Young People

At our university scientific research is conducted on a wide range of themes and in different fields. Some of them are implemented and are economically effective and others have the potential of implementation.

The International Conference at the Faculty of Linguistics

On the 13-14 of March at the Faculty of Linguistics of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" was held IX International research and practice conference on "Modern Approaches and Innovations in foreign languages teaching".

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