June 22 - Day of mourning and commemorating war victims

The Second World War (01.09.1939 – 02.09.1945) – the bloodiest global conflict, in the course of which died, according to various estimates, from 50 to 85 million people. As the terrible tragedy it is remembered and commemorated around the world.


We walk every day at the monument to the fallen of the polytechnics, which stands near the metro station. On the monument is the inscription: "Courageous. Selfless. Invincible.

Eternal glory to the hero!

Administration, trade union organization and collective NTUU "KPI" inform with deep regret , that on September 2, in the area of the ATO, for the freedom and independence of Ukraine, a student of Mechanical Engineering Institute, a true patriot, a true friend, a kind and bright person - fighter

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