The awarding of the Honored Doctor reward of Igor Sikorsky KPI to Professor Yuriy Hohotsi (video)

On May, 14 a solemn ceremony of awarding the diploma of "Honored Doctor of the National Technical University of Ukraine" Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ", a mantle and a memorable sign to the Honored Professor of Material Science, founder and director of the Institute of Nanotechnologies of A.J.Drexel University (USA), a doctor of technical sciences Yuriy Heorhiyovych Hohotsi was held at the meeting of the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Lecture of the Nobel Prize Laureate Jules Hoffmann (video)

On April 19, the prominent French immunologist and cytologist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for 2011 Jules Hoffmann delivered a lecture on “Congenital immunity: from insects to humanity” at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Leonid Kadeniuk Memorial Day (video)

The Memorial Day of the first cosmonaut of independent Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine, Major-General of Aviation, People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 4th convocation Leonid Kadeniuk was celebrated on March 13 at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Conference of polytechnics-radio amateurs

At the end of 2017 at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was held a scientific and practical conference devoted to the 92nd anniversary of the Radio Technical club “Polytechnic” UT7UZA. At the conference participated 72 scientists from Kyiv, Kyiv and other regions of Ukraine.

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