A fsnowflake. A Clock. A Candle ...

As every holiday New Year has its own attributes. It is even difficult to imagine New Year greeting card or some New Year issue of the newspaper without such items, as Santa Claus , Christmas tree and Christmas decorations, frosted windows and the snowflakes, the clock and the candles.

Pyrohov Mykola Ivanovych. Famous surgeon, scientist and inventor

November 25, 2010 was 200 years since the birth of the prominent surgeon, anatomist, scientist, humanist and teacher Mykola Ivanovych Pyrohov (1810 – 1881).

He was the son of a military officer Mykola Ivanovych Pyrohov, who served in the rank of major as a treasurer in Moscow provisions depot.

Sumac (Rhus L.). Campus decoration, honey plant and spice.

At the elegant glade near the pump-room, which was chosen by the young mothers-grandmothers, right from the iron giant – locomotive,  unusual tree-shrub, spectacular and attractive, draw an attention. This is the  fluffy sumac – the native from North America.

The best letter of the alphabet

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