The main symbol of Great Victory

The mention of the Great Patriotic War for every person causes his/her own associations. For someone it is destroyed cities and burned villages, for others − a constant hunger and deprivation or − the loss of loved ones. But there are associations that are common to all, regardless of age.

The State Emblem of Ukraine

Article 20 of the Constitution declares that the small State Emblem of Ukraine is the sign of the Princely State of Volodymyr the Great - a gold trident.

Jean Foucault and his pendulum

I will not hide that I was honored to have the opportunity to attend and speak at this important event, although held it was held in our own KPI, but without exaggeration, it is necessary to talk about an event of national importance. I am referring to the opening of 24 February 2011, I repeat, in Ukraine, this Foucault pendulum.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year - Chun Jie, meaning Spring Festival is the most important holiday for the Chinese, it has been celebrated for over two thousand years. It falls on the first new moon of the first month of the year, between 12 January and 19 February.

James Watt and some problems in innovation economy

January 19, 2011, it turned out 275 years from the birth James Watt (1736-1819)- the English inventor which name is given to the power unit – watt. The steam engine, created by Watt, belongs to the most outstanding inventions in the history of humankind.

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