At the meeting of the Academic Council: 02.11.2015

Then were awarded honorary diplomas O.F.Luhovskoho, M.I.Prokof'yeva presentation and thank the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and S.V.Voytku S.A.Naydi. Confers honorary distinctions M. Zgurovsky.

Board of studies session: 05.10.2015

The issue of the session was information about results of conducting wellness season 2015. Reported managing director of prospective development programs and social maintenance S.A.Ohinskyy.

Round Table at the Polytechnic Museum

March 27 at the Department of History of Aviation and Astronautics named after Igor Sikorsky State Polytechnic Museum at NTUU "KPI" it was held a round table dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the rocket crash at the Plesetsk cosmodrome and versions on the causes of death of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

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