At a meeting of the Academic Board: 16.05.2016

The main item on the agenda was the consideration of the results of XXI tour of integrated monitoring of the training quality. M. M. Perestyuk director of Educational Quality Monitoring was a keynote speaker.

At the meeting of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI": 14.03.2016

The first item on the agenda was the report of the first rector NTUU "KPI" Y. I. Yakymenka "Creating competitive education system - a requirement of time." Yuriy Ivanovich informed that the priority in today's environment is to ensure competitive quality of education at all levels as an active two-way process based on defining innovation component.

At the meeting of trade union staff: 18.02.2016

For the first time semester of this conference of trade union of university staff held February 18, 2016 in the hall of the Academic Council. It was heard about financial report by the trade union during 2015 and the budget for 2016 (reporter O. V.

Electronic campus KPI: Steps to improve

A meeting of the working group, created on the initiative of the first vice-principalYuri Yakimenko, on improving the system "Electronic campus of KPI" was held.  

At a meeting of the Academic Board: 08.02.2016

At the meeting was heard the report of Vice-Rector for scientific work of M.Yu. Іl'chenko by 2015 "Urgent job opportunities and enhance research and innovation". Mikhail Yefimovich noticed that a milestone in scientific innovation university in 2015 was the creation of innovative production association "KPI" with seven leading high-tech enterprises in Kyiv.

Session of Management committee of UNIDO project

On February, 9th the session of a Management committee of an international project UNIDO “Assistance in adaptation and implementation of resource effective and more clean production through the creation and function of the Center of clean production in Ukraine” took place at NTUU “KPI”.

At the meeting of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI": 07.12.2015

The first issue on the agenda was information on the adoption of the rules of admission to the university in 2016. First Vice Rector Yu.I.Yakymenko reported for the first time covered Ph.D. level and last time carried out a set on educational qualification level of higher education - specialist.

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