Scientific conferences at FCE

November 20-21, 2014, VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Resources energy storing technology and equipment" was held in NTUU "KPI".

A look at China of KPI power engineer

This article is a slight generalization after three years of trips to China specialists KPI of burning fuel in the fire engineering power plants, metallurgy and others.

Conference of Young Scientists

December 12, the joint meeting of the Council of Young Scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Council of Young Scientists KPI was held in NTUU "KPI".

New achievement chemists FCT- monomolecular hydrocarbon diode

In recent years, modern personal computers, tablets and mobile phones become more powerful, while their processors are rapidly decreasing in size. Elements of computer processors - transistors - have a size of about 20 nm and consist of only a few hundred atoms.

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