In modern life we are completely dependent on electricity. It is difficult to imagine environment without means of communication, appliances and electric transport. "From day to day, the demand for electricity is increasing thanks to new inventions which are successfully implemented.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematical Modeling of Economic Systems of the FMM Ph.D. Ivan Pyshnograyev, one of the winners of the University Contest “Young Teacher-Researcher 2017”.
Among the winners of the University Contest “Young Teacher-Researcher 2017” there was the name of associate professor of the Department of Physical-Technical Means of Information Protection Dmytro Oleksandrovych Progonov.
We live in the world of communication, as up to 70% of entire time people spend on communication: writing, reading, speaking, listening. Only communication provides the transmission of information and ideas.
“They have to serve longer,” says Vitaliy Anatolyovych Peshko, assistant lecturer at the Thermal Power Units of Thermal and Atomic Power Plants of the HPEF, the winner of the University Young Contributor-Research Assistant 2017 Competition.
Today, the world needs breakthrough energy technologies based on the fundamental and new achievements of physics, mathematics, thermodynamics and other sciences. Young researchers and students are actively involved in this work.
Time passes by fast. Realities and priorities change. For example, metallurgy of the last century was associated with heavy and dangerous men's labor. Today scientists who explore and rimprove metallurgical technologies are often fragile girls and elegant women.
For fifteen years now, the associate professor of ITS Dmytro Mynochkin belongs to the Kyiv Polytechnic family. According to the results of the University Contest "Tutor-Researcher" he was a winner of 2016.